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She Devils In Pink

Check out the fast paced world of competitive female "Hollyball" - a cross between women's field hockey, soccer, polo, softball, roller derby and volleyball. No shit, sports fans, don't miss this sports "stew" - it's more fun to watch than the individual games themselves. These She Devils will dazzle you with stick work. Naturally, it's the big bad championship blue team that squares off against those tiny little she demons in pink for the title. The pre-game and post-game fucking and sucking will leave you gasping for air and signaling for your last time out, and on the field action will fascinate you. Power And strength versus speed and quickness. Whoever said "porn stars are not coordinated, not are they the least bit athletic" is out of his fuckin' mind. The post game shower is sportsmanship brought to a new level. Hollyball is Jim Holliday's contribution to collegiate athletics and the Olympics, cciirca 2032... Will all those cute little plaid skirts be banished forever in favor of the more politically correct unisex athletic shorts??? These jock chick She Devils in Pink don't need not sports bras neither.

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